Nina Illingworth Dot Com

Nina Illingworth Dot Com

"When the revolution is for everyone, everyone will be for the revolution"

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Opening Pandora’s Box on Can’t You Read (Link)

Editor’s note: well folks, I think by this point you probably already know I hate everything about having to make these kinds of posts. Unfortunately, the ongoing online and algorithmic censorship of left wing and particularly anarchist content creators continues (and is unlikely to let up under a Biden administration) so my hand is kind of forced here as I try to spread out my digital imprint and shrink the “target surface” so to speak.

This is particularly irritating in this case because the content I have to share this time is just a simple blog-style post on Can’t You Read; but with even Twitter starting to behave extremely twitchy about which content it chooses to hide, there’s really no way I can avoid the type of cross-link pollination I’m doing here and hope to survive as an independent analyst – even one eking out an extremely modest “wage.”

Let’s just try to keep this one nice and short, shall we? 



With Trump’s coup seemingly ground to a halt, it’s time to celebrate the end of the fascist moment – isn’t it? Not so fast says. By combining some brief observations on the seemingly-doomed Trumpist “chicken coup,” and a link to a vitally important article by Indi Samarajiva about why even a failed reactionary coup is a disaster for a society that calls itself a democracy, let’s work together to debunk the still quite dangerous idea that we’ve survived the Swine Emperor, and everything is going to go back to normal soon.


“Why? Well to quote Indi Samarajiva, the Sri Lankan writer whose article I’m featuring today, because “this year America had fascism on the ballot and nonwhite people mercifully said no. The fascists, however, are now saying f*ck ballots. And enough of the population is like f*ck yeah!” And Samarjiva is speaking from personal experience because, as he notes at the very start of his article, Sri Lanka is no stranger to the fallout of a failed modern coup attempt. “


To check out “Recommended Reading: Opening Pandora’s Box” on Can’t You Read, please click on the title header or the image below.”


Recommended Reading: Opening Pandora’s Box



– nina illingworth

Independent writer, critic and analyst with a left focus. Please help me fight corporate censorship by sharing my articles with your friends online!

You can find my work at ninaillingworth.comCan’t You ReadMedia Madness and my Patreon Blog

Updates available on TwitterMastodon and Facebook. Podcast at “No Fugazi” on Soundcloud.

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“It’s ok Willie; swing heil, swing heil…”