Nina Illingworth Dot Com

Nina Illingworth Dot Com

"When the revolution is for everyone, everyone will be for the revolution"


BlogMedia MadnessPoliticsTake Downs

“What’s Really Troubling Larry Tribe?” on Media Madness

A short blog post on Media Madness about why Larry Tribe should keep Bernie Sanders’ name out of his coal-encrusted pie hole.

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Climate CrisisNeoliberalismPatreonWar

No Illusions (About How Bad It Is)

A link to a Patreon Blog essay discussion the bald-faced reality that rich people are absolutely trying to murder you for profit.

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Essay: Lying Without Lying (Link)

A link to a 2018 Media Theory essay on Patreon that I wrote about the manipulation of framing, context & depth to lie without lying in the media.

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Praxis of Evil: Words As Weapons

Editor’s Note: I have spent many nights over the past five months ruminating on just how I would explain my

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A Brief Thought: An Empire of One

I’m back with a look at the growing power of Amazon founder and Washington Post CEO Jeff Bezos; being the richest man on earth has it’s advantages but is catering to corporate elites killing US Democracy? In a word, yes.

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Info Meme of the Week: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants Pt Seventeen – Jared Kushner

After a long absence our Brotherhood of Evil Mutants feature returns to take a look at a man who is about to be thrust into Robert Mueller’s spotlight whether he wants it or not; Trump’s “Shadow Secretary of State” Jared Kushner

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A Brief Thought: Live & Let Die

After far too long an absence, Nina is back with some brief thoughts about a subject we don’t talk about much in North America, but we should – the devastating toll in human lives caused by austerity.

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EssaysmediaRussiagateTake Downs

Joy-Ann Reid & the Return of McCarthyism

Nina takes a terrifying look at noted neoliberal propagandist Joy-Ann Reid and the disturbing rebirth of McCarthyism in the 2016 US Presidential Election

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